Eben grade gelesen und ich finde es beschreibt oft meine Gedanken und ich denke auch die vieler anderer Veganer_innen. (Wenn Übersetzung gewollt, einfach ein Kommentar schreiben)
"Edit: Read this before you say that vegans exaggerate omnivores’ treatment of them.
Those self-righteous pricks.
Those elitists.
They think they’re better than everyone else just because they don’t eat animals. God, how pathetic.
Why do they have to shove their beliefs down my throat?
Ugh, vegans.
Yeah, I’m talking to you. No, not the vegan who’s calling you an asshole. I’m talking to you, omnivore.
You, who tears down every vegan you encounter because you’ve taken it
upon yourself to tell them that they’re pathetic, self-righteous,
elitist pricks who shove their beliefs down other people’s throats, as
if you’re doing the world a favor.
You could move Gandhi to violence.
You could make the blind see red.
What really infuriates me is that you make veganism about the vegans.
You make veganism “our” cause rather than a human cause or the world’s
cause. You say “Yeah, but…” when we tell you about factory farming.
“Yeah, I agree that animal agriculture is horrifying, but you vegans,
man, you’re so (insert insult here).”
Yeah, we vegans are angry as fuck and we can be really obnoxious about it. So what?
This isn’t about us.
This is about the animals that can’t speak for themselves. This is about the planet that we all
share. This is about people who are dying of hunger because the food
that could and should be given to them is instead being fed to animals.
Vegans are just a bunch of flawed people like you, except they have
decided to say “No more.” No more blissful ignorance. No more violence.
No more blood on our hands. Maybe I can’t speak for all vegans, but I do
speak for myself when I say that being vegan doesn’t make me superior
to anyone else; it simply makes me more enlightened.
Don’t get me wrong; I was just like you once, omnivore. I loved In N’
Out burgers and sushi and Ben & Jerry’s. I was just like you
once—for over fifteen years, actually. But I decided to become part of
something so much bigger than myself, and now my friends and family
tease and interrogate me constantly because I don’t eat animals. If you
ask me, that’s pathetic. A world where conformity to norms, no matter how violent and senseless, is valued over basic morality is fucking pathetic.
(You philosophy majors can argue that morals are subjective, but I
can’t see the consumption of animals based solely on taste preference
alone as anything but immoral.)
Yes, vegans are angry and oftentimes obnoxious, but we have every right to be.
If you are one of those “Yes, but…” omnivores who knows deep down
that eating animals when you have the means to live comfortably and
healthily without them is wrong but feel that vegans are doing animal
rights an injustice because of all our preaching and anger, then show us
how it’s done. Show us how to be criticized and vilified for
living with compassion for other sentient beings—living by the
principles of nonviolence that so many people admire but to which so few
people adhere—and not be angry about it. Try stepping into the light only to find that everyone else is in the dark without wanting to scream in desperate frustration.
You will find that anger and veganism go hand-in-hand because there
are a lot of defensive omnivores in the world who call you a pathetic,
self-righteous, elitist prick because you’re a flawed human like them
and you just can’t help but be angered by the fact they don’t realize
that veganism isn’t about you. "
Quelle: everycage.tumblr.com
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